Saturday, May 20, 2006

All the news about Miami!!!

Hi friends,
let's update my blog with news from Florida (South beach, Miami, Hollywood and Dania)!
Let's describe day by day...

17th May:
I've arrived to miami around 10am, then I've spend 10 minutes trying to understand how this fuc&&^% airport works, then I was waiting for my friend Dino to pick me up....
At the end, I've decided to take a bus and go to an hostel in South beach (9th st and washinghton ave.), really cool area! Few days later, I regret to haven't wait Dino...
Anyway, after have met all the other guys in the room, a franch guy Nicolas and an Irish Sean, we went all together watching the Champions League final..Barcellona FC won!
The first night I was quite tired so I haven't do too much!

I left my laptop working all night in order to finish a DVD that I've created with all my movies and photos made in Cadana, really cool (Chimene already has a copy right now!)
This really first day in miami was spent completely on the beach and pool, together with a black guy, Jean, really strange person....
Anyway, in the evening I finally met Dino and his wife Emily, and together with his friends Dave we went out for a dinner...what a dinner!!! For sure, something that a traveller as me couldn't affoard!
Then they bring me out and they show me particular, I was really impressed about this scene: Dave was driving and he said to me: "Look this fake police car!" What?? Yes, he stopped really close to the police car on the border of the street and he pointed inside saying: "have you seen? It's a fake policeman..UN MANICHINO!".
What the police do here is to put some car in streets where people go fast, so that everybody slow down when they see the police!! Amazing idea, isn't it?
Anyway, the night was really crazy, we went first to a kareokee club, then to a cool night club.... I can't say anything else, censured, sorry! Ma che portoricana...

I slept at Sandy's house, which is a Dino's friend and which is the guy that have spent the most of the time in miami with me! Basically Dino introduced him to me and he recommended him to show me everything about Miami and take care of me!!
The first thing that we did was to coming back to the hostel, take all my stuff and bring them to Sandy's house, my new residence for Miami!
I've had really bad surprise at the hostel when back, but it's better to don't talk about this episod now, let's carry on!
We were driving a BMW coupe (borrowed from Dino, of course!) and we went to the beach, then I've met the french guy, have had a dinner with him and then we went to met Sandy at Taverna Opa, a famous bar in South Beach where to drink and have fun...expecially Nicolas have had fun...he pick up a 250lb girl!!! :-)
When Sandy finished work, we left Nicolas and we when in Hollywood, just up to Miami, and we met his wife and Andrea, a latin girl (yes, she has the same name!!)
All together we went to Spice, a really cool latin place, since I've asked them to bring me in a salsa club, where to dance all night!!
Notice: I like Miami because clubs doens't have a time to close like in Boston, NYC or Montreal! In florida they have the same italian rules, that's good, stay here remind me Pescara, a city close to my town where I'm used to go in the summer for clubbing!

20th, saturday:
For my first time, I went in a beach for only nudist people, really funny but at the end I haven't really enjoy it, I believed there were more young girls... :-(
Just before, we went to the airport for change my reservation (instead of leave the 21, the day after, now I'm leaving the 26th!), so now I can stay longer in Miami!
At lunch, we went in a chinese buffet restaurant, amazing for the price and for infinity different kind of food they offer!
The evening was spent with Dino, at Mike's place, a friend of him which organizes a party for his fresh graduated sons!
Then, before going sleep, I went with Sam and Pasquale again to Taverna Opa to see Sandy, I've a nice macedonian girl, Tania, and then we went sleep, too drunk to keep going that night!

After a nice breakfast made by Aime, Sandy's wife, we went in a market called "Swap shop", quite popular here in America (or florida only)!
We bought some stuff at really cheap prices, then we went to the beach and here we met two amazing guys, Gloria (puertorricheña) y Ernesto (mexicano), and then we went all together in a greek party organizes by Sam (really really good food…and I don’t want to remind all the time, drink included!!!)

22th monday:
After a long slept, I went with Sandy around the city to buy some stuff, then we met Fabrizio, a naples guy really cool (a brother!), then we went for dinner in a club called Tantra, fucking expensive! So we left quite earlier and before going to bed we stopped in a greek bar, nice place in Hollywood!

23th: All day spent to recovery and reorganize all my information on PC, nothing really special expect for the evening, when we called Gloria and we watch a cool movie called “The Mambo Kings” that I really would like to see months ago (in the movie there is the “reina” Celia Cruz!)
Before going sleep I’ve also wrote enough postcards for everybody…ok, the first half of my friends, I still have to send more postcards but from others places!

24th: Always with Sandy, we woke up early and we went straight to south beach, first to the police office, then to “Mango”, a really famous place in South Beach for dance salsa in the evening…but we went there only for lunch….notherless, I’ve dance salsa as well, the only on the dance floor with a waitress!!! I really like this sort of “Carribean” city since it was only lunch but there was an orchestra playing latin music, that’s great!!!! After lunch I went first to Nicky beach, then Taverna Opa, then the Skywater (is it the correct name for this amazing sport?), finally relax a little bit at home in the pool, before to have one of the best night in Miami: the Sam’s goodbye party! I can’s really enter in all the details but basically we first went out for a nice dinner (another Greek restaurant), then in a RED LIGHT party!!! That’s it, it’s enough, I just remember that at around 5am in the morning I’ve drive Dino’s car (an amazing BMW) for bring him home and thus I slept in his apartment…

The day after, the 25th, my last day in Miami, I’ve helped Dino to set up his brand new Acquarium (after have slept all the morning), then I chilled out at home and slowly slowly packaging again everything, waiting for the next day to leave for my next destination…PUERTO RICO!!!

See ya


Friday, May 19, 2006



The flight Montreal-Miami was the most crazy one that I've had, really! This time I haven't had problem at the check-in BUT, what they do in Montreal is to leave to you all your luggage, they just made the check in and they don't check the weight, then you go in another area inside the duty free and there you can leave all your luggage. Then, when I'm arrived, nobody check your Passport and/or your luggage, you arrive in a duty free area again, together with all the other passenger that are going to departure, and you can walk out like if you took a train or a boat, nobody check! And the luggage, oh my god, they're in a completely different area, far away from the exit, and everybody can take them and leave easily easily!!! Perhaps, during the flight I get really scared: the plain was really close to the land for finish its trip when suddendly it rised up again, without any reason, then 5 minutes later the pilot told has that there was not sufficient visibility to conclude the operation, so we travelled for another 15 minutes around Miami and then the second time we finally arrived to destination!!!

Anyway, let's describe Miami: the first thing somebody except from this amazing city is to find the sun, right? Instead, at 10am it was raining, shit! I could feeling that the city was nice but I've waited the afternoon to better understand, when all the clauds left! At the point, it wasn't impossible to wear jeans, I was sweating too much, so I've worn my shorts and let.ntrada�as cintas que ora ingresaban ora salían del mismo, no sin mediación de los botones FF, REW o PLAY. Y con la calma que nunca la caracterizó, puso el grito de "Error!!!" en el cielo. Error de corrección, claro está. Y por lo tanto de nota. ¿Su argumento? Ella había puesto en el parcial, la frase que el mismísimo profesor había perjurado en clase, y la prueba estaba grabada.
La vehemencia con que utilizó el arte de la dialéctica para defender el sofisma, hicieron que poco importara que la frase fuera mal extraída de contexto, ni que las premisas a las cuales estaban aplicadas una y otra fueran distintas, sino por el contrario primó su razonamiento que la hizo acreedora de un 3 en lugar de su correspondiente 2...

Sin dudas a Victoria le espera un promisorio futuro en el campo de la abogacía...

Lamentamos que ésa no haya sido su carrera.das una y otra fueran distintas, sino por el contrario primó su razonamiento que la hizo acreedora de un 3 en lugar de su correspondiente 2...

Sin dudas a Victoria le espera un promisorio futuro en el campo de la abogacía...

Lamentamos que ésa no haya sido su carrera.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Waiting Miami's photos....

Ecco a voi le ultime foto dal Canada (sorry ma non ho tempo per commertarle....)

I love CANADA!

As usual, I can't sleep on the flight, shit! After a really cool night, my last one in Montreal, I'm here on this 737 airbus, direct to Miami, ready to explore a new city, with or without friends... (that's another story that i will tell you in my next post!)
Anyway, last night I was really feeling bad and happy at the same time: Chimene organize for me a last aperitive-drink to say goodbye to all her friends and André's friends that I've met during this long period in Canada....I can't believe yet how many people came! In total there were 13 persons (more or less, just counted from some photos) and it was really cool to have seen again everybody, I really hope to see again each of them, they are really nice people, the really make me feel at home!

After a great weekend in Quebec City with Stella, his such amazing boyfriend Simon, Anna (a future wife next weekend!) and of course André and Chimene, I've passed those last two days visiting Montreal: Mount Royal and the Olympic Stadium (unfortunally it was raining both the days, but it's ok, I've had a great week, everyday sunny!)....and now I'm going to 32 degree in Miami!!!

Anyway, this post is made just to say thanks a lot again to all the canadian people that I've met in those great 12 days, I've really have had good time, I really would like to come back here again, maybe working this time! :-)

I will post as soon as possible some nice photos about my new canadian friends, now it's time to get ready for Miami, the flight is almost finished!

Take care, Andrea

P.s: My MSN contact is , just in case if any of you wanna keep in touch via chat! :-) (I've also a skype contact, let me find on the search service!)

Friday, May 12, 2006

ITA - Come funziona questo "world trip"

Stufo di dover spiegare sempre a tutti come funziona questo giro assurdo che sto facendo ho deciso di riportare un pó di info, utili per chiunque fosse interessato ad intraprendere una simile avventura....

Punto di partenza: non occorre prenotare alcun biglietto aereo, vi sono compagnie che progettano un itinerario in automatico! Dovete infatti sapere che le compagni generalmente si associano in "alliance" e permettono dunque , sotto determinate condizioni, di viaggiare con qualsiasi aereo della alliance scelta! Ad esempio, il mio biglietto é stato comprato tramite la OneWorld alliance, ma ne esistono altre quali la star o la skyteam, fatevi una ricerca al volo su google o visitate / per tutte le info! Un altro ottimo sito é sotto la voce "around the world" o .... cmq se vi fate una ricerca su internet scrivendo round the world trovate davvero tante agenzie con tutti i prezzi!!!

Il prezzo: nessuna "alliance" vi dice il prezzo per un simile giro, tutte dicono di rivolgersi ad una agenzia di viaggio per effettuare la prenotazione! FATE ATTENZIONE: non tutte le agenzie vi permettono di prenotare simili viaggi e spesso si spende un botto di commissioni! Se volete risparmiare come ho fatto io, dopo aver progettato le destinazioni che volete visitare, recatevi in aereoporto o nelle agenzie ufficiali delle compagnie scelte, in modo tale da pagare una scemenza o comunque vi assicurate la minima commissione (in aereoporto comunque é gratis!)

Organizzazione viaggio: Prenotando un biglietto del genere non porta automaticamente la prenotazione di un alloggio dove stare, a quello dovete pensare da voi! Io sono abbastanza fortunato da avere un pó di amici sparsi per il mondo, quindi risparmio molto, ma se proprio non sapete dove andare visitate, 10 volte meglio di hostelworld! Tra l'altro non stancatevi di fare ricerche, io ho trovato un ostello a San Juan, puerto rico, ad un prezzo ridicolo, solo che ho dovuto pagare tramite un assegno bancario, dal momento che il proprietario non lavora con credit card! :-)
Nell'aiutarvi ad organizzare le destinazioni da fare tenete conto che queste alliance mettono a disposizione comodi tools da scaricare per progettare un viaggio, cmq non dimenticate le regole essenziali (regole valide per la OneWorld, per altre cambiano ma su per giú stiamo la):
1 - max 4 fermate in ciascun continente (6 in north america) e solo due dal continente di partenza
2 - cercate di mantenere un ordine tra le destinazioni (sempre ad Est o sempre ad Ovest, come nel mio caso), poiché alcune compagnie sbroccano!
3 - fate percorsi brevi, cosí risparmiate km da percorrere (alcune tariffe si basano sui km percorsi!)
4 - decidete la data di partenza, dopodiché non preoccupatevi per le altre tappe, in ogni momento potete cambiare le date senza alcuna extra tassa (al momento che scrivo ho giá cambiato date per 3 volte!)
5 - 2 valigie da 32kg ciascuna consentite per il viaggio!

Non mi viene in mente altro, comunque quando progettate il viaggio cercate di non sprecare "stops" in posti raggiungibili via autobus o con altri aerei privati, poiché a formare il prezzo ci stanno le tasse aereoportuali di ciascun aereoporto, che non sono una cazzatina da poco! In particolare, usate la ryanair se volete viaggiare in europa e la airasia se volete viaggiare in asia! Per l'america consiglio la southwest ma non l'ho trovata poi cosí cheap!!

Blog: Questo sito é gratuito, ne esistono un casino come questo, scegliete quello che vi pare, sempre che siete interessati a raccontare due cazzate come faccio io ogni tanto!!!

Se avete bisogno di altre info lasciate un commento sul blog, appena lo leggo vi rispondo,ok?

Ciao ciao

Last update - Canada

Some fast news about my world trip: I'm still in Canada, still in Montreal, but ready to visit Quebec City this afternoon and for all the weekend!
Those days I've visited Montreal with Chimene and friends, all the people are really friendly, really cool, I like Canada!

Thursday I went to "Mont Tremblanc", a nice town in north Quebec (wait for some photos...) and then we stopped to "saint sauveur", another small town famous for their outlet: you can find all the major firms with their not anymore new products, but still in good condition, good for have shopping!

Yesterday, finally, I've cooked for 11 persons.....pasta, of course! I think they enjoyed the food but I didn't like at all....I can do time, next time!! :-)

Perhaps Wednesday I've also visited a salsa club here in Montreal, Salsatheque, but it wassn't really busy, too few persons, but still a nice evening!! Yesterday I've also been to 7/37, a cool bar/club in top of a skyscraper, probably the highest of montreal!

Now I'm waiting 7pm, pick up André and leave for Quebec city, meet our friend Stella and going out for another crazy night!!!

Ciao ciao

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Photos from Montreal

In the first photo I'm with Sebastian (left) and André (right), all of us drunk (or almost)....
In the second and third photos there are all friends met at Royal Holloway, really cool to stay again all together!! In particular, Chimene is the girl in the center on the third photo!).
Then the last photo I'm with Chimene's friend, great person, with italian origin and still a good italian; in the order, (Chimene), Saba, Tania and Alessandro!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Hi guys,
Montreal is great, I really love this city! I'm still trying to understand why but I really like this city and how the people are! First, canadian people love italians (especially girls...), then the city is quite nice and the country looks different from U.S. and's just in the middle, a cool mix of them!
My friend Chimene pick me up at the airport, she was astonishing, such a beautiful girl....anyway, she show me montreal on the way for going home but we first stopped to have a coffee in Tania's friend bar.
Then I've met André, my other ex Royal Holloway friend and we went in a nice pub for start drinking....shit, Montreal (and Canada in general) is too expensive for alcohol, if I knew in advance I could buy something at the duty free!!!! :-(
Anyway, we met nice girls like Sara and then we went to Central Station for dance with all French speaker people...too hard to set up a conversation....
Saturday night was really really cool, one of my best saturday night of this world trip! Chimene have just made 25 years old and thus she organized a great birthday party! We went in a cheap restaurant (we bring our own drink!) and we get so drunk that anyone have ate anything....they served the foot too late, alcohol was already inside our vein!!!
Around 12.30pm we went to "pure", a small club in downtown, nice place but basically empty...but anyway, we have had great time since we were 25-30 people and thus it was nice to dance all together (free entrance and vodka at the table....I'e never seen a such big bottle of vodka, I couldn't serve it without a second hand!!!).
Then we went home by taxi, too funny since in the back there was Sebastian throw up all the time.... :-)
We took all the next day to recovery that night, both me and André were so hangover that we couldn't do too much: after a nice lunch (surrounded by liters of water!!) with his family we went again in downtown but we felt so tired that we stopped quite soon in a bar for relax a little bit! Then we met some André's friends but they don't really speak english, so I couldn't really have a good conversation, but at the same time I've learnt some french....
And now that the week start again, me and Chimene should start visit Montreal, but those first 2 days we always get up to late (average 12am) and so we haven't had the time to visit too many places...but it's fine, trust me, it's good to chill out! :-)

Last days in New York...

Let's start from tuesday night, NBA game, Nets against Indiana, 2-2 the current score! What a great night, for a basketball fans as me watching an NBA game was great, really cool! We've payed for the cheapest ticket, then we moved in more expensive seats for free (basically we just waited to see where there were free seats and then we have been there expecting to have that seats!!! :-)
At the end the score was 87-82 for the Nets, and I'm happy that they won, now they're on the second round (they won the series 4-2) and they've to play against Heat Miami!
Anyway, something that really immpressed me about U.S. is about security: even at the NBA game it wasn't allow to take photos or movie, it was against the copyright...something that I've never seen in an italian soccer game!!! More serious, it's sad to see policy checking my videocamera if there were photos made from any bridge of new york!! Yes, they've controlled my camera since they saw me taking photos: it's not allow anymore after 11th Semptember!!! (Anyway, they didn't found any photos since I've deleted them as soon as possible before to show them the memory card...)
The next few days I've had relaxing days spending with Franco and Anna, in particular the last night with Anna was cool since we tried to get in at Cobacabana but then we went to "The View", a nice bar in Times Square, famous since you can see all New York from a mobile platform, routing around one of of the bigger skyscraper in Manhattan! Cobacabana is completely crap, they don't have any web site and thus they haven't put any advice about the fact that thursday night was rent for another private event! :-(
After The View we went (me, Anna and a scottish guy, Conor) in a club called "H Hotel", really cool but a little bit expensive! Nice girls as well but without the right people to pick them up.....
And thus, after a really sportive driving to the airport (made by Concezio, Franco and Anna 's father) I've arrived to JFK airport, ready to leave definitively New York...and instead, another funny problem came out: after the check-in I've been to the departure gate but the metal detector stopped me for more than 10 minutes....but not for any metal stuff, no, for the stupid cop working there! First, they scanned my bag with my Mac inside and they said me it wasn't allow since the laptop must be scanned in a separated box. Then, after have scanned both bag and laptop, they asked me my boarding card, card already showed 3 times before to arrive at that point and that so I believed that never asked me anymore, and finally, they made a full check of my body: they controlled everything, I don't know what they were looking for, I was the unique one which have had a such long control......but at the end everything was fine, I was laughting with the cop and I gained access to the duty free zone! Montreal, I'm coming......

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Johnston, Providence (Rhode Island).... and M.I.T.!

Dear friends,
last week was great, I really have had good time and I've passed nice days with my relatives.
I'm arrived to Providence on monday 24th and now, only one week later, I'm coming back to New York...yes, I'm still writing from the Bonanza-bus (i've just finish to watch a good movie, Dreamers, and now I've decided to update my blog...). Today is raining as the day when I'm arrived but during all the week it was every day sunny, really cool!

Anyway, let's start talk about some interesting stuff (I don't remember everything but I will write an overall):
the first couple of days I haven't done too much, I was lucky to have found a free wireless connection where I was living (Rose's house, my cousine) and thus I've spent enough time during the day looking for a job and/or a Master course to do in Semptember (in this period I'm quite confused about my future...). I was nice to have seen again all my american relatives, good memories since I've lived here for almost 2 months on 2003..3 years ago, shit, time go fast!!
Anyway, spend one week here was great for my luggage since I've bought nice clothes and some useful things...of course now my luggage is more heavy but I bought things that I really needed to buy...and here in Rhode Island things cost less than New York!!!

Anyway, my first big place that I've visit this week was the M.I.T. (for ignorant it's the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a U.S. institute of higher education, famous for scientific and technical research...basically I consided it the heart, the head of all the technology), a really cool university in Boston, too expensive and hard to study there but iit was good to have spent few hours over there and have had a look around!! I've also bought a T-shirt, good souvenir!).

Other places where I went weren't really interesting to report here, but just beacuse those are places where already have been 3 years ago and so know I'm not so excited to talk about it!
During the weekend I've play pool with my aunt Luisa, I've been in a couple of pubs looking for the called "boobiesluts"... :-)
and saturday night, a really cool night, I've been first to Dominic's parents house, we've drank all the possible cocktail and then of course, in the highway, I've throw up....but the night was just started so in the first (and maybe only, I don't remember, I was too drunk!) pub I've had a couple of beers and I was feeling better (yes, no water, never!)....and of course I can't end this post without talk about hot dog, fish and chips, cheeseburger and all the other sfutt that punctuality every night we have can't imagine how many hot-dog Anthony have had that night...I was really starving...

Finally, last night, sunday, I've been to Dominic house for visit his beautiful family...last time I was here I've spent one night with them and it was really funny but I can't tell you why, too long stories and such good memories...

What come next? Right, now I'm almost arrived to Manhattan, I've to bring a really heavy luggage to brooklyn and then go to New jersey (which is on the other side/direction) for watch an NBA game!!! Yes, I can't wait, Nets against Indiana (they are actually 2-2 so it will be a great game), it's a playoff game!
Then next few days I will try to film some other sides of New York and I will try finally to get in at Cobacabana, one of the most famous latin-club in New York....I will let you know in the next post how the club is!

Take care


P.s: ONLY FOR ITALIAN FRIENDS: Scusatemi se non scrivo anche in italiano ma tradurre tutto quello che ho scritto porterebbe via un bordello di tempo, quindi abituatevi a leggere in inglese e se non lo sapete sono ca... vostri...trovatevi un traduttore?! :-)
Cmq per chi non sa l'inglese dico sono che tutto va bene e che mi sto a divertire un sacco, poi al ritorno vi racconteró di piú, ciao ciao!