Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Johnston, Providence (Rhode Island).... and M.I.T.!

Dear friends,
last week was great, I really have had good time and I've passed nice days with my relatives.
I'm arrived to Providence on monday 24th and now, only one week later, I'm coming back to New York...yes, I'm still writing from the Bonanza-bus (i've just finish to watch a good movie, Dreamers, and now I've decided to update my blog...). Today is raining as the day when I'm arrived but during all the week it was every day sunny, really cool!

Anyway, let's start talk about some interesting stuff (I don't remember everything but I will write an overall):
the first couple of days I haven't done too much, I was lucky to have found a free wireless connection where I was living (Rose's house, my cousine) and thus I've spent enough time during the day looking for a job and/or a Master course to do in Semptember (in this period I'm quite confused about my future...). I was nice to have seen again all my american relatives, good memories since I've lived here for almost 2 months on 2003..3 years ago, shit, time go fast!!
Anyway, spend one week here was great for my luggage since I've bought nice clothes and some useful things...of course now my luggage is more heavy but I bought things that I really needed to buy...and here in Rhode Island things cost less than New York!!!

Anyway, my first big place that I've visit this week was the M.I.T. (for ignorant it's the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a U.S. institute of higher education, famous for scientific and technical research...basically I consided it the heart, the head of all the technology), a really cool university in Boston, too expensive and hard to study there but iit was good to have spent few hours over there and have had a look around!! I've also bought a T-shirt, good souvenir!).

Other places where I went weren't really interesting to report here, but just beacuse those are places where already have been 3 years ago and so know I'm not so excited to talk about it!
During the weekend I've play pool with my aunt Luisa, I've been in a couple of pubs looking for the called "boobiesluts"... :-)
and saturday night, a really cool night, I've been first to Dominic's parents house, we've drank all the possible cocktail and then of course, in the highway, I've throw up....but the night was just started so in the first (and maybe only, I don't remember, I was too drunk!) pub I've had a couple of beers and I was feeling better (yes, no water, never!)....and of course I can't end this post without talk about hot dog, fish and chips, cheeseburger and all the other sfutt that punctuality every night we have ate...you can't imagine how many hot-dog Anthony have had that night...I was really starving...

Finally, last night, sunday, I've been to Dominic house for visit his beautiful family...last time I was here I've spent one night with them and it was really funny but I can't tell you why, too long stories and such good memories...

What come next? Right, now I'm almost arrived to Manhattan, I've to bring a really heavy luggage to brooklyn and then go to New jersey (which is on the other side/direction) for watch an NBA game!!! Yes, I can't wait, Nets against Indiana (they are actually 2-2 so it will be a great game), it's a playoff game!
Then next few days I will try to film some other sides of New York and I will try finally to get in at Cobacabana, one of the most famous latin-club in New York....I will let you know in the next post how the club is!

Take care


P.s: ONLY FOR ITALIAN FRIENDS: Scusatemi se non scrivo anche in italiano ma tradurre tutto quello che ho scritto porterebbe via un bordello di tempo, quindi abituatevi a leggere in inglese e se non lo sapete sono ca... vostri...trovatevi un traduttore?! :-)
Cmq per chi non sa l'inglese dico sono che tutto va bene e che mi sto a divertire un sacco, poi al ritorno vi racconteró di piú, ciao ciao!

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