Friday, May 19, 2006



The flight Montreal-Miami was the most crazy one that I've had, really! This time I haven't had problem at the check-in BUT, what they do in Montreal is to leave to you all your luggage, they just made the check in and they don't check the weight, then you go in another area inside the duty free and there you can leave all your luggage. Then, when I'm arrived, nobody check your Passport and/or your luggage, you arrive in a duty free area again, together with all the other passenger that are going to departure, and you can walk out like if you took a train or a boat, nobody check! And the luggage, oh my god, they're in a completely different area, far away from the exit, and everybody can take them and leave easily easily!!! Perhaps, during the flight I get really scared: the plain was really close to the land for finish its trip when suddendly it rised up again, without any reason, then 5 minutes later the pilot told has that there was not sufficient visibility to conclude the operation, so we travelled for another 15 minutes around Miami and then the second time we finally arrived to destination!!!

Anyway, let's describe Miami: the first thing somebody except from this amazing city is to find the sun, right? Instead, at 10am it was raining, shit! I could feeling that the city was nice but I've waited the afternoon to better understand, when all the clauds left! At the point, it wasn't impossible to wear jeans, I was sweating too much, so I've worn my shorts and let.ntrada�as cintas que ora ingresaban ora salían del mismo, no sin mediación de los botones FF, REW o PLAY. Y con la calma que nunca la caracterizó, puso el grito de "Error!!!" en el cielo. Error de corrección, claro está. Y por lo tanto de nota. ¿Su argumento? Ella había puesto en el parcial, la frase que el mismísimo profesor había perjurado en clase, y la prueba estaba grabada.
La vehemencia con que utilizó el arte de la dialéctica para defender el sofisma, hicieron que poco importara que la frase fuera mal extraída de contexto, ni que las premisas a las cuales estaban aplicadas una y otra fueran distintas, sino por el contrario primó su razonamiento que la hizo acreedora de un 3 en lugar de su correspondiente 2...

Sin dudas a Victoria le espera un promisorio futuro en el campo de la abogacía...

Lamentamos que ésa no haya sido su carrera.das una y otra fueran distintas, sino por el contrario primó su razonamiento que la hizo acreedora de un 3 en lugar de su correspondiente 2...

Sin dudas a Victoria le espera un promisorio futuro en el campo de la abogacía...

Lamentamos que ésa no haya sido su carrera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.