Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Important news from Thailand!!!

What amazing day guys!
Today I went to teh airport in order to leave Bangkok and arrive in Bombay and instead now I'm still here in Khao San Road! At the check-in, the operator asked me the VISA for India...VISa that of course I don't have! Shit, I believed italian people don't need a visa and instead everyone except indian people need a visa to get in!
Then, I contacted the indian embassy and they said to obtain a VISA it will take up to 5 working days....this changed everything!!!

First of all, I've made some changes to my itinerary again: now I'm staying in Thailand till the 30th or maybe longer (I will know tomorrow at the indian embassy). Perhaps my Thailand VISA will expire the 29th so it's a penis in the ass, I need to find a solution tomorrow!
Anyway, the flight from Bombay to London is now scheduled for September 6th, and the back to Italy the day after, thursday 7th! Fortunally I haven't paied any extra fees to change my itinerary, but the ryanair ticket of course doesn't allow changes without pay (at the end other 24 quid to travel back in Italy!)

Hopefully I won't change anymore dates and be back in Europe for September, during the time now I can explorer the north, let's see if there are interesting stuff over there!

See ya


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